Monday, September 16, 2013

@allegiant trip from Concord to Disney for like $70 one way!!! Uh me-- NOT!!

I don't do UNIVERSAL-- I don't do DISNEY WORLD-- but I know many of you do.  I don't do large places with lots of screaming children.  I don't do large places with lots of loud rides and screaming children.  So my children never asked to go to DISNEY -- cause I told them at an early age about how waiting in long lines, listening to screaming children and seeing large CHARACTERS was not half as much fun as ---almost anything else-- to ME!!! Anyway I wanted to share in case you didn't know-- it was on the news over a month ago-- Allegiant Air will be flying out of Concord in December and you can get a one way ticket to ORLANDO for like $65!!! You should check it out now-- a quick drive to Concord board a plane and take off!!! You will pay that much in gas just to get 1/2 way there-- and you couldn't pay me to ride in a vehicle that far with screaming kids-- or anyone else!!!


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